
The design below is a standard model but many of the bellows in the table do not have an exactly analogous geometry. Always ask for the specific design.

The highlighted codes are in stock, and by clicking on the corresponding references you can obtain the plan and photo. For the rest, to be put into production, orders must be over 300 euros.

LKC42.0267 X 25 X 33NBR 60See drawing here
LKC42.02812 X 19.4 X 27NBR 60See drawing here
LKC42.02914 X 33 X 73.5NBR 60See drawing here
LKC42.03015 X 15.5 X 96EPDM 50See drawing here
LKM11.001-SMIRIT25 X 40 X 153ANYSee plan here
LKC42.03230 X 64 X 79EPDM 50See drawing here
LKC42.03333.5 X 33.5 X 180NBR 60See drawing here
LKC42.03438 X 40 X 95NBR 60See drawing here
LKC42.03540 X 52 X 300NBR 60See drawing here
LKC42.03643 X 43 X 220EPDM 50See drawing here
LKC42.037180 X 195 X 70EPDM 50
LKC42.05211 X 32 X62
LKC42.05414 X 18 X 80
LKC42.05391 X 91 X 120