General clause:

This contract reflects the conditions of sale set between Lekun Caucho Plásticos S.L. and THE CUSTOMER, and implies acceptance of all terms reflected herein, not being valid any condition reflected by the customer in any other document unless expressly signed by LEKUN. This includes any general conditions sent by the client when accepting the order, general conditions of purchase attached or any other type of conditions that are reflected in web registration operations indicated by THE CLIENT. The data received by the customers will be considered as suggestions to facilitate the transactions, but in no case constitutes their acceptance unless there is an express signature by the legal representative of LEKUN.

2. Validity of the offer or requirements to start production:

The products to be served, as well as their characteristics, are those reflected in LEKUN's offer document, regardless of the initial information provided by the customer, which may vary in subsequent communications. Technical advice, whether verbal, in writing or by testing, is given in good faith, but does not release the customer from the obligation to verify its validity by accepting the offer. Orders will be processed upon receipt of the acceptance of the offer together with proof of payment, if applicable. The indicated deadlines are considered valid once all relevant aspects have been processed and the order confirmation has been sent to the customer. Changes or cancellations of the accepted offer are not guaranteed, notwithstanding the fact that LEKUN will always make its best efforts to review its feasibility and provided that the raw materials necessary for its manufacture have not been produced, prepared or purchased.

3. Method of payment and financing:

The customer accepts the payment method indicated in the offer and undertakes to respect it. All costs and commissions incurred for the payment of the invoice shall be borne by the customer. In case of prepayment, the acceptance of the offer shall not be considered effective until receipt of the full payment indicated. In the event of non-compliance with the payment method, LEKUN shall charge the customer for all costs incurred and reserves the right to charge interest up to the legally permissible maximum for delays.

4. Tooling and production based on drawings accepted by the customer:

In the event that the manufacture of tooling or molds is necessary, prior written and express acceptance by the customer of the part drawing provided by LEKUN will be required. All material delivered by the customer such as samples, previous drawings, sketches or any other material or documentation are considered instruments for the development of the final production drawing, the latter being the only valid document for manufacturing, regardless of the
variations that exist on the rest of the material or previous documentation provided. The tooling will always be the shared property of LEKUN and CLIENT, by default 35% of LEKUN, with the proportional part being passed on to the client.

Approval: A new tooling always requires the approval of a first production sample. LEKUN may require the express acceptance/approval by the customer of a first manufactured sample prior to the overall manufacture of the order. This approval will be carried out through the physical shipment of the manufactured sample to the customer. To facilitate the homologation tasks, it is always advisable to know the final application of the product and even that the customer provides those parts where the product to be manufactured will be housed, since variations can be detected depending on the type of material and its properties. If this housing is not available, it will be the customer's responsibility to check it and it will not be acceptable to return the product.

5. Manufacturing lead times:

The manufacturing lead times indicated are estimates and may vary depending on the final date of acceptance of the offer, acceptance of the production drawing, order confirmation, production requirements, agreed payment methods involving prior verification, acceptance of samples by the customer or force majeure beyond LEKUN's control. LEKUN will always make its best efforts to meet or advance such deadlines as far as possible. In no case will penalties be accepted due to date variations. In certain cases LEKUN may make production changes to bring forward production lead times at an additional cost, in which case the price will be expressly reflected in the offer. The time frame indicated always refers to the manufacture of the product at LEKUN's facilities and never to receipt at the customer's facilities (even in the event that LEKUN arranges transport). Samples: In case validation through an initial sample manufactured by LEKUN is necessary the deadlines will not start until having such acceptance. Samples provided by the customer will be returned with the final order. If the return is not necessary, they will be eliminated.

6. Billing:

Invoicing for tooling participation services will be made at the time of production of the first production sample.

7. Variations in quantities and tolerances:

There may be variations in the quantities offered due to production processes. A variation of ± 10% is considered acceptable. Extrusion tolerances correspond to ISO 3302-1. Machining tolerances correspond to ISO 2768. Mold and gasket tolerances correspond to ISO 33025-2. The tolerances indicated are those to be applied in general, except in exceptional cases.

8. Formats and Packaging:

The delivery format shall be as defined by LEKUN unless other conditions are expressly identified in the offer, and irrespective of whether it was previously delivered in another form. Products such as extruded profiles, tubes, strands or similar, it is accepted that the agreed final length may have cuts and not be continuous, as long as it is guaranteed that the final quantity delivered is within the variation indicated in section 7. Standard packaging as defined by LEKUN shall be used unless specifically stated otherwise in the quotation.

9. Storage and means of transport:

The means of transport contracted shall be as indicated in the offer. Outside LEKUN's premises, the storage, application and use of our product are beyond our control and therefore exclusively at your own risk.

10. Product data sheet and certificate:

You can consult the product catalog on our website where you can also access information and documents of interest. If additional certificates are required, they must be requested in order to determine the cost involved. LEKUN is not obliged to provide certificates that have not been included in the offers, except for those that are legally required. Should the customer require certificates at a later date, LEKUN will evaluate the possibility of providing such certificates and their cost, if applicable.

11. Claims and Refunds:

The customer is responsible for checking the quantity and quality of the products upon receipt. In case of transport defects, the customer must indicate the defects observed on the carrier's delivery note. All defects must be reported within 3 working days of delivery. LEKUN shall not be liable for damage to products resulting from improper handling, alteration or incorrect storage. In no case will returns be accepted later than 30 days after delivery of the goods.

In the event of a request for review of the product by the customer for considering it inadequate, it must be reviewed at LEKUN's facilities, where after its review and within a reasonable period of time, a report will be issued with the solution taken. Under no circumstances will unilateral penalties be accepted.

12. Legislation and commercial disputes:

In case of commercial discrepancies, these will be managed in good faith to reach a satisfactory agreement for both parties. If it is not possible to resolve them in this way, disputes will be resolved in accordance with Spanish law.

In case of differences in translation, the present terms and conditions written in Spanish shall always be valid.

13. Confidentiality:

Neither the customer nor any of its employees may disseminate any commercial information, technical information, drawings or any other information provided by LEKUN without the prior acceptance of LEKUN.

14. Data protection:

LEKUN undertakes to process the personal data contained herein in accordance with the regulations in force in Spain in this regard.